Friday, May 9, 2008


Understanding of the Parsha according to the teachings of the Rebbe ממ"ש

QUESTION: כי תבואו אל הארץ... ושבתה הארץ שבת לה' (ויקרא כה,ב) What is the meaning of this verse that seems to imply that immediately after entering the land, one would observe the shmitah year (first one must observe six regular years)?
ANSWER: The Torah is teaching us that the purpose of the six years of working the land is for the seventh year of rest. However, the order is correct. The Torah shows that one must do one’s service in the world for the six days and only afterwards does one enjoy the benefits of the seventh year. This concept also applies to the each day as one works most of one’s day involved with mundane affairs, one needs to set aside times for the holy matters, praying and learning. (ספר השיחות ה'תש"נ כרך ה, עמ' 471)
QUESTION: What are the concepts of Shmitah and of Yovel in Chassidus?
ANSWER: Shmitah is the concept of nullification of the sense of self. A person feels oneself, but places oneself in nullification before HaShem. Yovel is a higher level of freedom from limitations. This level is similar to the spiritual level that will exist in the World to Come. Thus, the complete laws of Yovel were only observed during the high spiritual period of the first Bais HaMikdash. ׁלקוטי שיחות כרך ז, עמ' 170)
QUESTION: The Rabbis express the concept that the connection with revis (lending with interest) and the acceptance of the yoke of Heaven. Why is this connection with this specific mitzvah and not other mitzvos?
ANSWER: When a person lends with interest, one wants to make money without effort, like a gift. In G-d’s preferred system, physical and even spiritual “revenue” must be earned by striving and exceeds the value of a “free gift”. This mitzvah of revis expresses this concept best. (לקוטי שיחות כרך ז, עמ' 134)
QUESTION: The name of the Parsha seems to indicate opposite concepts – a mountain, yet it is not called by a name and in the Medrash it is called the smallest of the mountains. What is the point?
ANSWER: הגבהה וביטול but are really complementary. The more one feels the greatness of G-d, the more bitul is possible. This distinction is clear in that one needs both when understanding the difference between a Shliach (maintains own self) and a servant (a complete nullification). In avodah a person starts with bitul of contemplation (yet still feels separate), and then moves on to a bitul of Chakikah (engraved into oneself) (לקוטי שיחות כרך כב, עמ' 159)
QUESTION: וכי תאמרו מה נאכל (ויקרא כה,כ) This question seems to indicate doubt and challenge, yet tradition tells us the wise son asks this question. How do we understand this question?
ANSWER: The Ben Chochom is requesting details, and not challenging. He is asking about the nature of Shmitah, does it rely on a miracle (we don’t work the land, and G-d provides a miracle not through natural means)? G-d answers that even though the land is weak, it will provide enough produce for three years. The purpose of creation is achieved by our service of HaShem with mesiras nefesh. (לקוטי שיחות כרך כז, עמ' 183)

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