Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Q&A - Bechosai

Understanding of the Parsha according to the teachings of the Rebbe ‎ממ"ש

QUESTION: We find the Rabbis in the Gemara, seemingly “cursing” another and later it ‎is interpreted as a blessing. Why not just say a blessing in the first place? ‎
ANSWER: Curses in the Torah (like this week’s parsha) and from the Rabbis are in fact ‎blessings, even wonderful blessings. However, since the source is so “high” (not ‎apparent) the blessing must be enclothed in the opposite manner (like a curse) since ‎not able to be received by us in the revealed format.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎לקוטי שיחות כרך א עמ' 287)‏‎ ‎‏(‏

QUESTION: Why does the Torah allude to the concept of learning Torah (using ‎intellect) with ‎חוקים‎ (beyond intellect)?‎
ANSWER: ‎חקיקה‎ – engraving’s advantage over written letters is that they are not an ‎independent entity, but an integrated part of the whole. Study of Torah needs labor until ‎engraved. If one learns Torah with commitment of Kabolas Ol (Chukim), then one is ‎rewarded with potential to “progress” further.‎ ‎ ‎ׁ(לקוטי שיחות כרך ג, עמ' 1013)‏

QUESTION: What does the last two Mitzvos (Bechor and Maaser) of the Parsha and of ‎Sefer VaYikra teach us?‎
ANSWER: Mitzvah of Bechor is an inherent holiness that comes from high. This ‎represents the inspiration from Above that seeks to motivate our service below. The ‎Mitzvah of Maaser is accomplished by the service of Jews in this world, indicating ‎the inspiration from below. Our service utilizes both, however, everything goes ‎after the conclusion (Maaser) that our avodah in this world is primary. ‎‏ (לקוטי ‏שיחות כרך יז, עמ' 332)‏

QUESTION: Verbal expressions of Vidui without complete Teshuvah do not affect ‎personal or communal redemption. Does it have any value?‎
ANSWER: Verbal expressions (Vidui) even without Teshuvah, still has effects:‎
‎1.‎ Outward expression brings out the feelings of Teshuvah that are in the heart and ‎thoughts of the person
‎2.‎ Extra push to complete the process of Teshuvah in the person that is in the midst of ‎Teshuvah
‎3.‎ Reminder of past deeds triggers Teshuvah (due to dichotomy between speech & the ‎heart)‎
A declaration of Teshuvah might not be sincere, nevertheless, it is not worthless, since ‎it will ultimately lead to complete Teshuvah ‎ ‎ ‎‏ (לקוטי שיחות כרך כז, עמ' 207)‏‎ ‎
QUESTION: Why the stress on physical rewards in our Parsha (isn’t spiritual the main ‎area of reward)?‎
ANSWER: Stress on physical rewards in this Parsha emphasizes that the rewards are a ‎direct consequence of our actions, and they happen to our physical and spiritual lives. ‎Physical rewards express the desirability of Torah and Mitzvos that effuses blessings ‎also to our physical lives. ‎ ‎ ‎‏ (לקוטי שיחות כרך לז, עמ' 174)‏

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